Inspiration applied:
Utterly Content 2025

Where: Online and global
When: 18-19 March 2025
Duration: 24 hours

Introducing our theme: inspiration applied

In 2024 we took Utterly Content in a new direction: an online learning event with a focus on delivering inspiration, coupled with the techniques and insights needed for you to apply your learnings right away in your own work. Our “inspiration applied” theme for 2025 will build on and continue that theme.

Inspiration applied

While you might come for the inspiration, we want you to leave with actions. At Utterly Content we design a schedule that offers the perfect balance of inspiration, application, and the opportunity to learn from each other in our global community. For every topic, you’ll experience all three.

90 minute intensive learning blocks

Our 90 minute intensive learning blocks are returning for 2025.

Each learning block focuses on a theme relating to content strategy, content design, or content marketing. Within each block we will bring you:

  • A talk that inspires you with some of the latest thinking on that theme

  • A tool relating to the theme that you can use immediately in your work

  • A discussion opportunity for you and your peers from around the world to share experiences in this theme.

Attend what you can, come back for the rest

While the live interactive experience is an important part of Utterly Content’s community - bringing together the unique perspectives of content professionals from around the world - we want our programme to work with your schedule, not against it. So, diary in some of the learning blocks to join in live. And for those that you can’t attend live, we’ll have them available as recordings for 3 months after the event.

Get involved

Tickets go on sale from 1 November 2024.

In the meantime our search begins for:

  • Learning block sessions*

  • 10 minute takeaway sessions*

  • Regional hosts (new for 2025)**

  • Partners

  • And much more!

Find out how you can get involved and submit an application.

*Submission deadline: 4 October 2024
**Submission deadline: 30 September 2024.