The future of content marketing

Emanuel Diaz - Chair (Spain)

Farrukh Iftikhar (UK)

Alex Moss (UK)

Celine Kuysters (Belgium)

The pace of change in technologies and techniques that shape the face of content marketing appears to accelerate all the time.

From the challenge of keeping up with search engine algortithm changes, to the ever shifting and divergence of social media engagement - organic and paid - and the accelerated impact of machine learning, there's no better time to pause for reflection and ask: where is this all going and how can we possibly keep up?

That's what our panellists will attempt to explore, bringing a broad range of perspectives from different specialisms and industries.

Emanuel Diaz (Chair) lives for a good story to weave, so he describes himself as a storytelling lover and aficionado. His passion for content started in the banking industry in his native Puerto Rico, where he was leading copy and digital marketing for the institution. The challenge of making a bank soulful caught him.

A Fulbright grant took him to Madrid to study at IE, where he stayed as the Associate Director of Alumni Communications. Emanuel has a passion for creativity, emotional content, and weaving stories that showcase the beauty of working in the educational sector. He is also a proud collaborator in LGBTQ+ initiatives and does improv theatre in his free time.

Farrukh Iftikhar is a seasoned sales leader with a passion for empowering businesses with the power of digital content.

His 25-year career journey began in software development, where he assisted organisations in transitioning their physical content into digital and involved into providing tools to create and manage content.

This experience ignited his passion for content's strategic role, leading him to consulting and eventually pre-sales roles. Today, Farrukh leverages his well-rounded expertise to lead's EMEA sales organisation, guiding businesses to unlock the full potential of their content strategy.

Outside of work, Farrukh enjoys family time, watching sports and getting his hands dirty with DIY or car engines.

  • Languages spoken: English, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi

  • A global problem that you would love to solve: Equality

  • Something that you can’t be without: A mobile phone

Alex Moss is Principal SEO at Yoast and agency owner at FireCask. Alex has over 15 years experience in every aspect of the SEO industry from in-house, freelancer, agency employee and agency owner. With a background in technical SEO, Alex has been working in Search since its infancy. Alex also has years of knowledge of WordPress, working with everyone’s favourite open source CMS since 2010. Over the years Alex has built everything from popular plugins to custom-made themes and frameworks, as well as being involved in complex WordPress and SEO projects globally.

  • Languages spoken: English

  • A global problem that you would love to solve: Help shape the state of genuinely helpful content at scale and reduce the problem of webspam on the Internet

  • Something that you can’t be without: My family

Celine Kuysters was born and raised in Antwerp: the diamond, fashion, and beer capital of the world. She started her career in higher education in 2019, armed with master’s degrees in both strategic communication and journalism.

Besides being responsible for managing the faculty's international recruitment strategy, digital campaigns, content creation and social media, she is also committed to building its alumni community. Since 2022, she is part of the EMFD Marcom, Alumni and External Relations steering committee and the CASE Newcomers Track.

Having travelled 33 countries and speaking 5 (and a half) languages, her nickname at work has become Celinternational.

  • Languages spoken: Dutch, English, French, German and Spanish

  • A global problem that you would love to solve: In general, to stop the conflicts and the fighting. Hard to believe we still do that in 2024

  • Something that you can’t be without: A booked airplane ticket.


Responsible and sustainable content practices


Growing a content career across cultures