Content designer, party of one?
Thursday 21 March 2024, 02:45 UTC, Stage 1
Learn how to think about networking in new ways to help create your team and find your people, even if you’re in a content design team of just one person.
Being a new content designer, or a solo content designer can be overwhelming. Where do you go for support? Or maybe you're not the only content designer, but you are in a company that is new to content design. You want to grow your team. You want to increase your company's understanding of the value of content design. But you feel alone and you're tired of always needing to be the lone content advocate.
What do you do? Network. No, not network to find a new job where you have dozens of other seasoned content professionals. In this talk we’ll think about networking on two different levels. First, networking globally to find other content professionals who can encourage you. Second, to network within your own company to find content allies in other areas who can support you. Find your people and.use networking to grow your skill and confidence as a content designer. No one needs to be alone.
Session takeaway
How to use networking not to find a job but to create a team
Meet your session facilitator
Michelle D Keller (USA)
Content Design Lead, Bereavement Services, Care Hospice
Michelle is a Content Design Lead with experience leading content development for bereavement services at a nationwide hospice. She has experience with Content and UX design, and WordPress development. She has also created systems and processes to audit, manage, produce, and publish digital content. She loves to work with a team and collaborate to come up with the best ways to help those she serves and thrives in being empowered to execute those solutions. Michelle excels at bringing order and structure to chaos. She currently lives near the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia where she enjoys good wine, good coffee, good mountain views, and time with her family.
Languages spoken: English
A global problem they’d love to solve: I would love to find safe, caring homes for all orphaned children. Can content do that? I don’t know, but it could help.
Something they can’t be without: Coffee. And trust me, you don’t want me to be without it either!